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Dog hereditary diseases

Early progressive malamute polyneuropathy
Hereditary diseases

Hereditary neuro-muscular sensorimotor disease associated with impaired conduction of nerve impulses in the axons and dendrites of nerve fibers of the peripheral nervous system. The person also has a similar condition known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.

The development of the disease is usually observed at the age of 3-19 months. Often the disease leads to partial paralysis (paresis) of all limbs. No treatment or therapy is currently described.

The first signs are a change in voice, a “squeaky” hoarse breath, muscle weakness in the hind limbs with progression to weakness in all four limbs, muscle atrophy, and exercise intolerance. Affected dogs tend to be reluctant to stand and refuse to climb stairs. Symptoms can develop either unexpectedly quickly or gradually.

Early signs of progressive polyneuropathy are decreased spinal reflexes in all four limbs during electroneurography.

Characteristic changes in the behavior and physiology of the dog.

  • Autosomal recessive inheritance

    MM - sick
    NM - healthy, carrier
    NN is healthy
Alaskan malamute
Individual breeds