For the duration of the hostilities, the work of the Representative Office in Ukraine is temporarily suspended!
ZOOGEN is out of politics, we sincerely sympathize with everyone unwittingly drawn into the conflict and wish it a speedy end! Peace to all!

If you cannot contact the Representative Office in Ukraine - call our phones, write to e-mail and social networks! We will definitely answer and help you!

Under any circumstances, the ZOOGEN Company confirms its obligations to carry out studies, as well as for the prepaid coupons sold, regardless of the political situation.

Dog hereditary diseases

Hypomyelination Syndrome, Shaking puppy syndrome, Spinal cord hypomyelination, Hypomyelination of the central nervous system
Hereditary diseases
An autosomal recessive disorder that causes generalized tremor in puppies between 1 and 3 weeks of age. Puppies move with a characteristic jumping of the hind limbs. The tremor increases during arousal or activity. The severity of the disease can vary greatly. At rest or during sleep, the tremor is usually not observed. As a rule, by 3-4 months the tremor disappears completely or partially. With age, a slight tremor of the hind limbs may persist.
Individual breeds