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Dog hereditary diseases

American bulldog ichthyosis
Hereditary diseases
Dermatological pathology, clinically similar to human lamellar ichthyosis or congenital ichthy-like erythroderma. The first manifestations of the disease can be observed at the age of 8-12 weeks, have an increasing character of varying degrees of intensity. Clinical signs are: erythematous diffuse lesions on any part of the body, dry skin with areas of desquamated epithelium, hyperkeratosis of the paw pads with partial loss of pigment. Erythematous areas often have an elevated local temperature, perivascular inflammation, and mild epidermal hyperplasia. Malassezia can complicate the condition, cause itching and, as a result, maceration, with a further aggravation of inflammation and seeding with secondary pathogenic microflora. The most susceptible areas are the groin area, interdigital areas. The histopathological examination is characterized by moderate or severe, diffuse, compact orthokeratic hyperkeratosis with the formation of large scales. The disease requires constant monitoring of the condition of the skin, the use of keratolytic, emollient, antiseptic agents for external use. If necessary, the use of systemic antimycotics and antibiotics.
Autosomal recessive inheritance
  • American bulldog
  • American bully

Individual breeds