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Dog hereditary diseases

Golden retriever ichthyosis
Hereditary diseases

When the disease occurs, the normal formation of the outer layer of the epidermis is disrupted, as a result of which the skin becomes darker, thicker, and the formation of dandruff increases (dead skin cups). The name "Ichthyosis" comes from the Greek analogue of the word "fish", because with the development of the disease, the skin becomes like fish scales. The most common symptom of ichthyosis is excessive flaking of the skin. Also, areas of hardened and horny skin can form, hyperpigmentation develops, which can create the effect of dirty or blackened skin. Symptoms can be moderate or severe. The disease can be detected in puppies or already in adult dogs, but the development and severity of symptoms may take a year or more. In addition, symptoms may appear to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the hormonal state of the animal. Ichthyosis, as a rule, is not dangerous for the dog's health, but it can make the dog look unkempt and disturb it. Often, the disease leads to an increased risk of developing fungal infections of the skin. Sick dogs are generally advised to use special shampoos.


Characteristic changes in the behavior and physiology of the dog.

  • Autosomal recessive inheritance

    MM - sick
    NM - healthy, carrier
    NN is healthy
Golden retriever
Individual breeds