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Dog hereditary diseases

Centronuclear Myopathy
Hereditary diseases

Myopathies are a vast heterogeneous group of diseases with a varied inheritance pattern and a different molecular nature. Dogs of the Labrador Retriever breed suffer from a hereditary form of myopathy - the first case of the Labrador retriever was described in 1976 in the USA, and now the disease is recorded worldwide.

Cytologically, in sick dogs, a violation of the structure of muscle fibers and cells is shown, a characteristic feature is the displacement of the nuclei of muscle cells - centralization (hence the name - centronuclear myopathy).

Clinical manifestations in puppies are hypotension, general muscle weakness, exercise intolerance.

A genetic test has been developed for the diagnosis of central myopathy in the Labrador Retriever breed. The study can be carried out at any age: for both puppies and adult dogs. When testing, a mutation in DNA is analyzed, leading to the development of a disease. Genetic testing allows with 100% certainty to determine the defective (mutant) copy of the gene and the normal copy of the gene. The test result is the definition of the genotype, which allows you to divide animals into three groups: Healthy (homozygotes for a normal copy of the gene), Carriers (heterozygotes) and Sick (homozygotes for a mutation).

  • Autosomal recessive inheritance

    MM - sick
    NM - healthy, carrier
    NN is healthy
  • Australian cobberdog
  • Labrador retriever
  • Labrooodle original

Individual breeds