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Dog hereditary diseases

Cyclic neutropenia
Gray collie syndrome
Hereditary diseases

Gray Collie Syndrome (Cyclic (intermittent) neutropenia) - An inherited disorder of collie dogs. Accompanied by a special lightened color - gray (not to be confused with "merle"), sometimes with a light reddish tint. The disease is caused by abnormalities in the formation of blood cells. Sick dogs are susceptible to frequent infectious diseases, and infections appear with a pronounced frequency (cyclicity). The disease is so serious that sick dogs rarely live to the age of 2-3 years.

Inheritance: for the manifestation of the disease, two copies of the defective gene in the genome are required (one is inherited from the mother, the other from the father of the dog). If only one copy of the defective gene is present in the dog's genome, and the other is normal, then such a dog will be healthy, but it can transmit a copy of the defective gene to its offspring, that is, it will be a carrier of the disease.

The DNA test, developed for the diagnosis of Cyclic Neutropenia in Collie dogs, can determine with 100% confidence the presence of a mutation that leads to the disease. The results of the study will allow you to conclude whether your dog is healthy, a carrier of the disease or sick (predisposed to the disease). Carrier identification will help you control the incidence of disease and avoid sick puppies with proper mating planning.

  • Autosomal recessive inheritance

    MM - sick
    NM - healthy, carrier
    NN is healthy
  • Australian cattle dog
  • Collie rough
  • Collie shorthair
  • Collie smooth-haired

Individual breeds